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Marylebone Theatre

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Biglietti per: White Rose: The Musical
da 78,00 €

White Rose: The Musical

Rimuovi salvati

Questo prodotto è così nuovo che non abbiamo ancora una traduzione in italiano, ma puoi tranquillamente prenotare senza problemi.

Following a critically acclaimed run off-Broadway, White Rose: The Musical makes its UK premiere in London's West End this spring. Don’t miss your chance to see this uplifting new musical.


- Enjoy the off-Broadway hit in London.
- Ensure your tickets to this audience favorite
- Choose your own seats

Cosa posso aspettarmi?

This powerful and inspiring new musical is based on a true story of a political uprising.

Based on a small group of university students in Munich who secretly met to write, print, and distribute leaflets exposing Hitler’s lies and Nazi deception.

The musical explores the lives often overlooked by history. 

“Impactful, uplifting. White Rose is a MUST SEE tour de force”
New York Skyline

Come funziona?

How do I get my tickets?
Your e-tickets will be emailed directly to you shortly after your booking is complete.

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Marylebone Theatre

35 Park Road, London NW1 6XT


Linea Assistenza

+44 20 3870 3444 +44 20 3870 3444

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